
Yet another fruitful and wonderful year of 2022

That is the wrap, yet another fruitful and wonderful year of 2022!

用中成药应对新冠 - 潘毅老师


A Simple Serverless App to Check Price

I had been Googling the price for a gift and I was hoping the price would drop when it was close to Christmas. But I was not bothered to check the price everyday. Well, why not build a simple serverless app for this task? Ahh, just a few days later, I got a message that the price was dropped!

A Journey to the 2nd place in Westpac AWS DeepRacer Championship

On your marks, get set, go!!!

Due to busy work, I decided to take the race all by myself as a solo team. I can only afford about 6 hours to train a couple models. I am really proud I made it to the final as the 12th in qualification.

Databricks Certified Data Engineer Associate

Another certification achieved this year!

AWS Summit ANZ 2022 DeepRacer

Yet another race.

Farewell Flickr

I have switched to Google photos, there is no need to use flickr anymore.

AWS DeepRacer Shanghai Carnival

What a fun to participate in the physical AWS Deepracer event!

Construct next business date with Spark

Here is how to use Pyspark to generate a dataframe showing the date and the next business date given the country and optional state.

Transaction monitoring (TM) solutions on AWS

I have found some time to read some articles during the holidays. In this post “Implement anti-money laundering solutions on AWS”, it looks at the the challenges with implementing transaction monitoring (TM) solutions. I have worked on a similar transaction surveillance project on a proprietary platform. So it would be interesting to see how AWS services can be leveraged to build a solution in the cloud from the perspectives of data analytics; risk management and ad hoc analysis.