A Simple Serverless App to Check Price

Posted by Jason Feng on December 10, 2022

I had been Googling the price for a gift and I was hoping the price would drop when it was close to Christmas. But I was not bothered to check the price everyday. Well, why not build a simple serverless app for this task? Ahh, just a few days later, I got a message that the price was dropped!

AWS Services

  • EventBridge Scheduler to invoke the app on a daily basis.
  • Lambda function to check the price and send it to SNS topic.
  • SNS to notify me via SMS.


1. Setup Cloud9

It needs to install Python 3.9 in Cloud9 which is the version used in Lambda. The simplest way is to install miniconda. Restart the shell after installation.

sudo wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh

bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh

2. Deploy with SAM

SAM is pre-installed in Cloud9. Just change to the folder with the template and use SAM CLI to deploy the serverless app.

cd get-oppo-price
sam build
sam deploy --guided

Source code

SAM template and source code is here.
