Yet another fruitful and wonderful year of 2022

Posted by Jason Feng on December 24, 2022

That is the wrap, yet another fruitful and wonderful year of 2022!

  • Python and Spark is still essential in my day to day work. I started to tap into Javascript / Typescript due to the project requirement. Hopefully I can take them further next year.
  • I have obtained three certifications from Databricks, one from AWS. I hadn’t planned that many in the beginning of this year.
  • Another surprise is AWS Deepracer. I have taken part in a couple of events, the results especially in the physical tracks were far beyond my expectation.
  • Last but not least, I have gradually gained the benefits from TCM which I have been learning in my spare time. I can see the overall improvement of my health. I will keep practising and deep dive into it.

Finally, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! Have a safe and relax holidays.